
Team Iowa Physical Therapy

Brand identity and collateral created for the Team Iowa Physical Therapy, a new physical therapy practice established by Joe Nelson—one of the best physical therapists and kindest humans on the planet—in early 2017. Joe came to Meld with a vision for his new company: a name, Team Iowa, and the color red. Together, we crafted a brand that spoke directly to the individual seeking treatment, with a modern look and feel inspired by vintage athletics but approachable for anyone.

 The Team Iowa strike, a stylized backslash, was developed out of initial concepts for a pennant-style logo and provides a vibrant red burst of action to the wordmark.

The Team Iowa strike, a stylized backslash, was developed out of initial concepts for a pennant-style logo and provides a vibrant red burst of action to the wordmark.

 A stacked version of the logo provides the flexibility needed to fit a variety of applications.

A stacked version of the logo provides the flexibility needed to fit a variety of applications.

 With an overwhelming majority of physical therapy practices in the area opting for a sterile blue and gray color palette, Team Iowa’s invigorating red stands out from the crowd.

With an overwhelming majority of physical therapy practices in the area opting for a sterile blue and gray color palette, Team Iowa’s invigorating red stands out from the crowd.

 Business cards and patient referral forms.

Business cards and patient referral forms.

 The Team Iowa logo printed on a t-shirt. I am always delighted to spot someone out and about sporting a Team Iowa shirt—both because I love seeing my work out in the world and because I know they are in good hands!

The Team Iowa logo printed on a t-shirt. I am always delighted to spot someone out and about sporting a Team Iowa shirt—both because I love seeing my work out in the world and because I know they are in good hands!

 Social media graphics created for the official launch of the Team Iowa brand.

Social media graphics created for the official launch of the Team Iowa brand.

 We developed a simple, responsive WordPress site for Joe using Divi.

We developed a simple, responsive WordPress site for Joe using Divi.